What is Unitary system of government?
This is a system of whereby power and authorities of governing a state is concentrated on the hand of a single central government.
In this kind of system, power are not shared with any other component units.
Countries that adopted Unitarianism system of government are;
(a) Britain.
(b) Italy.
(c) France.
Features of a unitary state.
1. Unitary system of government is best practice In a state where there are not difference in religion, language, political beliefs.
2. Power & function can be delegated to other component unit by the central government.
3. The system is best practice in a small country.
4. The constitution in unitary system of government is flexible.
5. The central government is the only source through which power flows to other areas.
6. There is no division of power.
7. All power and authorities of the state are concentrate on the hand of the central government.
Reason for the adoption of unitary system.
1. Small country: It is easy and best adopted in a small country.
2. homogeneous factor: It is best practices in a state where there are no difference in language, religion, political beliefs etc.
3. Management function: the central government can adequately manage function and at the same time monitor effectively function delegated to other component units.
4. Absence of tribal grouping: it is adopted because no tribe will ever think of dominating others.
5. For coherent and efficient administration: The government can prevent waste and duplication both in human and material resources.
6. Lack of marked economic inequalities: In a unitary system there is lack of marked economic inequalities among different sections of the country.
Advantage of unitary state.
1. It's promote strong government: a unitary state is stronger than a federal state, because all power of government are concentrated in the hand of one central authority.
2. It has few personnel in government: in a unitary system of government, official are not many. Because function and power of government are not duplicate.
3. Quick action: quick action are taken in the areas of decision making and execution.
4. It has flexible constitution: the method of amending the constitution is easy because the constitution is flexible.
5. Absence of tribalism and sectionalism can bring unity in a country.
Disadvantage of unitary state.
1. The attention given to people in local area may be poor.
2. Unemployment: Unemployment rate could be high in unitary state as a result of low duplication of functions.
3. Small and homogeneous state: A unitary government only work in a small & homogeneous country.
4. Development: Development of the state could be slow & unprogressive.
5. Dictatorship: It encourages dictatorship because power are concentrated in the hand of single body.
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